Monthly Archives

April 2017

In Data Visualization on
April 30, 2017

Microsoft Power BI

Gasp. From Tableau to Power BI?!

This is not a move away from Tableau, but it’s a move to see what else is in the space, and to broaden my skill set further. I’ve been adding a lot lately: adding to Python, building up R, improving visualization techniques, implementing machine learning, and even adding to my own server collection… one more add seems like fun to begin to pickup over a weekend. It rained most of today, so why not be productive and learn whilst stuck indoors…

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In Uncategorized on
April 22, 2017

Dell PowerEdge T310

A few months back I’d purchased a (used) Dell PowerEdge T310 Server. I came across one in a search where the price was right to give this a go. Currently, I run one home server with a personal home page, file server, etc. Whereas the first one was limited as it’s a compact version, running hardware that’s a few years old, and a little under powered to do much more than serve up movies via Plex.

Image result for dell poweredge t310
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In Data Visualization on
April 22, 2017

Workout Wednesday Week 16: Bollinger Bands

Ahhh, week 16’s challenge takes me back to my early days with Tableau. My eagerness to master Tableau had me watching all of the Tableau-provided training videos. I’d recalled the Bollinger Bands charts from the advanced charting section. I do a bit of financial analysis at my day job, but I’d not yet put one of these to use within Tableau. Knowing fully how well Tableau handles moving averages with table calcs, I figured this to be a breeze.


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In Data Visualization on
April 13, 2017

Workout Wednesday Week 15: LOD and Table Calcs

Finally! A week where I got stumped but for less than 5 minutes. A good feeling, but as Andy says, this week will be “pretty easy”. Easy enough, I suppose; still a good mental workout.

The challenge this week was to create one chart with two representations of data; one using a Level of Detail express and the other a Table Calculation.

I’m writing this post simply off my own work; I’ve not yet dared download Andy’s workbook – I want to enjoy the feeling of conquering this weeks’ challenge before I discover how much more elegantly he solved for this. That’s the fun of these challenges and Tableau – multiple paths to solve for the problem at hand. Read more

In Data Visualization on
April 2, 2017

Workout Wednesday Week 13: Benford’s law

My third #WorkoutWednesday ever, yet the 13th of 2017, gave me such excitement at first glance – I was sure I could nail this one in an hour’s time. The author’s comment “[t]his shouldn’t be too terribly challenging” boosted the confidence. It still knocked me around a bit.

The full details of the challenge are at, the short of Benford’s law is that the distribution of the first digits of real-world numbers are not evenly distributed. Meaning, the numbers 1-9 are not represented equally as the leading digit in a number. Reading it, processing it, it was a quick “well, of course!” Identification numbers, account numbers, etc – you start with 1 and count up!

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